She Matters is a social enterprise recruitment agency with a mission to empower companies with diverse talent and female newcomers with employment. It was founded by Christina Moreno, an international lawyer who overcame poverty as a teenage mother in the United States. Christina’s decision to create She Matters was triggered by her Hague Talks speech ‘Equality Before the Law is a Basic Right’.
After seeing that female newcomers were not fully supported in their host countries, Christina left her career in law and dedicated her life to supporting these extraordinary women with regaining control of their lives.
Our Lotus Flower Programme (LFP) is a gender-specific training and mentoring programme for the upskilling of female newcomers into employment. We work closely with our participants to discuss their previous education, prior work experience, and skills assessment. We then create a customised plan that will guide them towards their chosen professions and livelihoods.
The substance of the LFP includes weekly workshops on hard & soft skills and emotional support. The Programme itself is designed to provide emotional support, which allows our participants to receive support and provide it to each other for the duration of the Programme. Our participants are also matched with a female mentor who provides practical support on her journey coupled with friendship and camaraderie.
The economic empowerment of female newcomers sets a path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and promotes a cohesive society. The job candidates at She Matters are women who have a refugee or forced migration background.
As municipalities have the responsibility to integrate newcomers into the labour market, the employment of female newcomers will carry less financial burden with fewer newcomers dependent on social benefits and other indirect costs due to unemployment. For businesses, female newcomers bring cultural diversity, valuable perspectives and technological advances into their workplace, which benefits their employer’s bottom-line and ultimately uplifts the economy. Finally, when female newcomers are mobilised with employment it provides for a more enriched and cohesive society.
Learn more and get in touch:
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To support She Matters through a donation, please visit our GlobalGiving page.
What we do:
The Lucas Weaver Show Episode 1.0 - Christina Moreno
Or listen on Spotify
Arte's documentary on She Matters in German and French